Quit Smoking

Safe and effective treatment to help you stop smoking

How I help you

Quit smoking naturally and safely

Target the reasons why you smoke

Free yourself from addiction: regain control of your life

Can you afford not to quit smoking?

Experts estimate that 1 in 2 people who smoke across their lifetime will die from a smoking-related disease. In 2011, tobacco use caused more than 18,800 Australian deaths. These deaths could have been prevented. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of lung cancer, stroke and heart attack (source: Better Health Channel).

The cost to your health

Smoking causes a range of serious and life-threatening diseases including:

  • Cancer, heart disease and stroke
  • Emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  • Impaired respiratory and lung function
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Narrowing of the leg arteries
  • Eye diseases
  • Complications during and after surgery
  • Problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

Smoking is also a risk factor associated with a number of health problems including breast cancer, erectile dysfunction and Type 2 diabetes.

The cost to your bank balance

The average packet-a-day smoker spends more than $200 per week on cigarettes (source: ABC News). That’s over $10,000 a year. Wouldn’t you rather put that money to better use?

The cost to your loved ones

There is a reason smoking is banned in so many places. Smoking harms those around you. Day-to-day your smoke affects the people closest to you. Your loved ones are also affected by the impact that smoking has on your health and your life.

The cost to you

That people still smoke today is evidence of the old adage that knowledge in itself is not sufficient enough to create change. Knowing smoking is bad for your health, that it harms you and your loved ones, that it is expensive, may not be enough on its own to make you stop smoking.

People smoke for many different reasons. Maybe it’s something you enjoy, something you associate with taking a break, stress relief, socialising, a hot cup of coffee or a good meal.

People want to quit smoking a variety of different reasons. Maybe you or your loved ones don’t like the smell, maybe you want greater fitness and lung capacity, maybe it’s stopping you from living your life the way you want.

Deciding to stop smoking can be frightening but also liberating. It’s about weighing up the costs and benefits and deciding what is most important to you. Many people try to stop smoking and can’t. That’s where I come in.

Quit Smoking

How I help you stop smoking

Together we will explore your specific motivations for smoking. What are your individual smoking habits (smoking is not a single ‘addiction’ or habit, but a series of smaller habits)? What does smoking and being ‘a smoker mean’ for you? What are your triggers for smoking? How can you get your wants and needs met without smoking?

We will tap into your core strengths, shift your underlying beliefs and assumptions (for instance, that you ‘can’t’ stop smoking, that quitting will be ‘hard’), and refocus your attention on success. I will support you through the process and work with you to make changes that last.

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is a highly focused state in which you can show greater responsiveness to suggestion. Using hypnotherapy we can target the reasons why you smoke, and help you make changes naturally, safely, and without the need for drugs or patches.

What are you waiting for?

Can you afford not to quit smoking? Others have found making the change surprisingly easy, so what are you waiting for? Start your change today.

Getting Started is Easy

Free 20 Min Chat

This short consultation gives you the opportunity to ask any questions and ensure we're the right fit for working together.

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Improve communication, strengthen relationships, enhance your sex life, make better choices, live the life you want.


On demand workshop series for women. Liberate Yourself: Roles, Bodies, Expectations. Understanding Desire. Rethinking Pleasure.

"...I’m totally thrilled that Christine was able to solve my issue so quickly and easily. If I’d known it was so effective I would have done it years ago."

Kelly Richter, Kilmore

"...I’m totally thrilled that Christine was able to solve my issue so quickly and easily. If I’d known it was so effective I would have done it years ago."

Kelly Richter, Kilmore

"I absolutely loved Christine’s approach to hypnotherapy. She is professional, insightful and has a talent in drawing out your motivations in order to create a session that is completely unique to you..."

Emma Burrows, Melbourne

"...Christine’s sessions have helped me an incredibly positive way. Her soothing and relaxing voice made me feel at ease and I felt that I could trust her one hundred percent..."

Samantha Starling, Byron Bay

"...Christine was really caring and diligent... I found her to be really open and easy to talk to. With careful questioning, she was able to get right to the heart of my issue..."

Gail Rodriguez, Melbourne

"I owe this smile to Christine who helped me to manage my inner critic in the run up to Miss Pole Dance Queensland...Before, my stage fright and lack of worthiness was so bad that I struggled to even smile during my routines... After one session with Christine, who gave me a recording to listen to after, I was in a MUCH better place...

Chrissie Jackson, Northern Rivers, NSW

"…I have now been smoke-free for almost three months. I even tried a puff the other day, just to see, and couldn’t finish it. It tasted disgusting. The best part is how easy it’s been. I’m surfing again, focusing on my fitness and feeling great!"

William Drew, Byron Bay

"...It wasn’t long after our session began, even before we started with the actual hypnotherapy, that I could see myself making a change....I’ve continued to stick to the plan we set out together for about 3 months now, and am seeing great improvements in my fitness. Success!"

Neil Fahey, Brunswick