My Blog
Why does hypnosis work?
Using hypnosis, a person does not just think they might be able to change, they know change is possible, because they have experienced it.
Fear of flying
Learn to control your fear, to relax, and enjoy your experience of flying from the comfort and safety of your chair.
Feeling stuck?
When we feel stuck, making any kind of change can seem overwhelming. Here are just a few things you can do to help get past feeling stuck.
Turn your wish into a goal
Turn your wish into a goal: 6 steps to make your New Year’s resolution a reality. Planning is as important as implementation if you want to make your change a success.
Weight loss: Are you focusing on the right things?
Weight loss: Making lasting change is about focusing on the right things. Diets offer a short-term fix to a long-term problem. Diets can be so restrictive that when you’re on them you feel like you’re missing out. To change your lifestyle you need a realistic and sustainable approach that focuses on the reasons why you are making unhealthy choices.
Becoming gluten-free
Struggling to give up gluten and paying the price? Did you know you can train yourself to stop wanting just about any food or drink? Ideal for people with Coeliac Disease, IBS, fructose intolerance, lactose intolerance, or who simply want to stop binging on chocolate or white wine.